
What is HTMLtidy?

HTMLtidy (otherwise known as Tidy) is an Amiga port of Dave Raggett's Tidy, which is a program designed to tidy up your HTML source files. It can adjust the layout of the source to make it easier for you to read, wrapping lines and indenting tables and lists etc.
However, that is not all that HTMLtidy does - it can also fix some of the more common HTML mistakes, including and many more.

Finally, it can help you to convert to StyleSheets by converting various style aspects into inline style information in the form of <STYLE> tags.

For further details of exactly what HTMLtidy can do for you, have a look at Dave Raggett's Tidy site which contains more details of the original Tidy program from which this Amiga version is ported.


The requirements for HTMLtidy are pretty light -

Installing HTMLtidy

There is no installer, but installation is very easy - just copy the tidy executable to anywhere you want, making sure it is in your path (C: for example).

Using HTMLtidy

Currently, there is no GUI for HTMLtidy, but I have one planned (eventually) - it'll be uploaded both here and on AmiNet when it's finished, but until then, just use HTMLtidy from the command line (via the command tidy).
Typing tidy -h will give a list of the various options available, and details of what the options do, together with information about the config file feature, are all available here.


HTMLtidy is released as freeware. The original source code is © Dave Raggett and the W3C. This port is released with Dave's knowledge and permission.
If you find HTMLtidy useful then please drop me a line to let me know people are using it. If you dislike it, then again, let me know why. Also please let me know any suggestions you have for it - I'll pass them back to Dave as appropriate.
Finally, in the unlikely event that you find problems with HTMLtidy, please direct them to me rather than to Dave in the first instance, in case it is a problem introduced in the port rather than in the original program.

Thank You

Thank you to Fredrik Ismyren, Rudi Kohut, Kimmo Vaariskoski, Andreas Etzrodt, Glen Shannon, Palle Anker Larsen, Leif Johnsson, Phil Ellis, Lee (TLT), Kai Weber, Fabrizio Andolfi, and Mohammed M Karam for their comments, encouragement and suggestions, and to Dave Raggett for writing and maintaining the original version of Tidy and for agreeing to the Amiga port.

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[ Valid HTML4.0 ] This page contains no artificial additives or preservatives. For your safety and peace of mind, it is fully PICS rated. This page is copyright © Keith Blakemore-Noble , 1998, 1999 , all rights reserved. For comments or questions about this page, please EMail me on Last updated on July 4, 1999 .
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